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Peer Coaching Initiative for First-Time Managers


Principles and structure for a peer coaching program within a corporate setting


March 2023

This project was created within the framework of the Essentials of Coaching for Leaders and Educators led by Prof. Allison Pingree, PhD.

The purpose of this coaching resource is to design a peer coaching initiative that corporations can customize and implement to offer to the participants of the program as a continuation of their leadership development journey. Thus, the driving question to develop this resource is:
How can first-time managers continue working on their leadership skills through peer coaching?

Whitmore (2017) states that coaching unlocks people’s potential to maximize their own performance. Thus, organizations should prioritize establishing coaching initiatives/programs that will maximize the potential and support the development of current and future leaders.
The resource created leans heavily on two coaching frameworks, GROW and CONVU. Both frameworks emphasize that coaching is about the journey and building trusting relationships. This will be key for establishing a coaching program within an organization, as it encourages engagement and networking while reflecting commitment from the organization’s leadership team to support its employees’ professional journey. From Convu (2020), I leverage the Principles of Peer Coaching: (a) learning is different from problem-solving, (b) good listening is a catalyst for learning, and (c) humans are wired to listen and, with practice, can become good listeners. While also adapting its methodology of pairing individuals to coach each other. From Whitmore (2017), in addition to leveraging on the model itself, I rely on his powerful questions as tools to generate awareness and promote proactive attention and reflection.

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